9103 / 9140 Dry-Well Calibrators & Dry Block Calibrators

9103, 9140 Dry-Well Calibrators & Dry Block Calibrators


The 9103 and 9140 are small, lightweight, and easy-to-use calibrators that don’t sacrifice performance. Each unit has an RS-232 computer interface.
The 9103 covers below ambient temperatures, with a range of -25°C to 140°C. It is stable to ±0.02 °C, and its display is calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.25°C at all temperatures within its range. Quick heating and cooling times (20 minutes) reduces wait time.
The 9140 has a temperature range of 35°C to 350°C. It is stable to ±0.05°C, and its display is calibrated to ±0.5°C. It is capable of reaching its maximum temperature in only 12 minutes.

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