The Environmentally Friendly Calibration Solution

TR Calibration are Going Green!

As of January 1st, 2022, TR Calibration will no longer be providing printed copies of calibration certificates, or any paperwork related to calibrated results. We, as a company, are dedicated towards reducing our carbon footprint by embarking on a journey called GreenCal.

GreenCal is a customised service for all customers to enrol in at any time with TR Calibration. We will look after any of your instruments, at its end of life to be refurbished, repurposed, or recycled. Even if you have not used our calibration services before, give us a call and talk to us about managing your green footprint for any calibration instrument that you are about to dispose of. We can do this safely for you and improve your overall green footprint.

Our NetZero Pathway

TR Calibration will be engaging with customers and suppliers as we embark on our GreenCal Journey outlined below:

Step 1: Identify current emissions and priorities areas where emissions can be reduced

Step 2: Promote sustainable workplaces

Step 3: Go digital

Step 4: Tackle our packaging – think reusable

Step 5: Review transportation platforms

Why are we Going Green?

You would have no doubt, seen and read about the challenge we have on global warming and the drive towards the Race to Net Zero. At TR Calibration, we want to do whatever we can as a business to reduce our greenhouse emissions and do our little bit to help in the reduction of Australia’s CO2 emissions.

What we have achieved

TR Calibration is reducing our carbon footprint by increasing our sustainability program. We have embraced renewable energy and installed solar panels at our Head Office in Melbourne and Sydney branch.

Some Examples of our Sustainability program in Sydney include:

Solar Panel Installation

PV Solar Panels on our roof. The installation consists of 200 of 500 W panels and 4 of 20 kWh inverters. Our aim is to create an average of 350 kWh per day (a possible ~70% – 80% reduction in our greenhouse emissions). There will be data monitoring available so we will be able to check-in on the PV performance.

Energy Efficient Lighting

In early March 2021, we replaced all the site’s light fittings with energy efficient LED lights. Comparing our energy usage between this year and last year we can see a ~24% reduction in electricity consumption and in our greenhouse gas emissions – amazing!

TotalCal Solution

We have launched TotalCal – A Calibration Lifecycle Management System for instruments being calibrated. TotalCal provides amongst other things a fully customer focused portal that reduces the need for paper-based calibration records, repair records, and houses electronically all instrument data and calibration records. For more information on TotalCal click here.

For more information on TR Calibration’s GreenCal inititive please call 1300 790 480 or submit an online enquiry here.