5649 / 5650 Type R and Type S Thermocouple Standards

5649 / 5650 Type R and Type S Thermocouple Standards


These type R and type S thermocouples cover a temperature range of 0°C to 1450°C with uncertainties as good as 0.15°C over most of the range. The measuring junction of both thermocouples is encased in a 6.35mm alumina sheath that can be ordered in lengths of 508 or 635 mm to fit your specific requirements. Each probe comes with a wire spool that has been tested to ensure uncertainties less than 0.5°C up to 1100°C. From 1100°C to 1450°C, the uncertainty increases linearly to 3°C.

Model Description
5649-20-X Type R TC, 508mm
5649-20CX Type R TC, 508mm, with reference junction
5649-25-X Type R TC, 635mm
5649-25CX Type R TC, 635mm, with reference junction
5650-20-X Type S TC, 508mm
5650-20CX Type S TC, 508mm, with reference junction
5650-25-X Type S TC, 635mm
5650-25CX Type S TC, 635mm, with reference junction

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