6531 / 6532 E-DWT Electronic Deadweight Tester Kits

6531, 6532 E-DWT Electronic Deadweight Tester Kits


The 653x ranges are electronic calibrators designed to deliver traditional hydraulic deadweight tester performance with digital measurement features and convenience. The pressure monitor is a special version of RPM4 (RPM4-E-DWT) which can be configured with one or two high precision quartz reference pressure transducers (Q-RPTs) with ranges from 7 MPa (1,000 psi) to 200 MPa (30,000 psi).


  • Provides real-time pressure indication with no need to know and correct for local gravity or ambient temperature
  • No piston-cylinder changes
  • Built-in priming system
  • Compatible with a wide range of liquids

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